Frequently Asked Questions
What are the ingredients in your products?
We have conveniently provided the ingredients for each product on their specific page on our website. Please visit, select shop and as you click on a product, you will notice on the page that the ingredients for the selected product is listed. Please consult with your medical physician prior to using our products if you have any health concerns.
Which products will make my hair grow?
All of our products assists with maintaining healthy hair growth however, our Strong Growth Scalp Essentials Cream Oil, King Essentials Beard and Scalp Essential Growth Oil and Child Essentials Ayurvedic Hair Oil are all created to help keep your hair healthy and retaining its length.
How long does it take to see results?
Results do vary. You could see results in as little as two weeks however, we recommend having a consistent regimen, using each product as directed for at least 6 weeks in order to witness a change in hair growth, hair health and nourishment.
Could you provide a hair care regimen for using your products throughout all four seasons?
Please stay tuned and check out our Princess B TV page for video instruction on how to create a regimen with our products.
Can children use your products?
Our products are designed to be used on children from the ages of 2 and older however, our Child Essentials line was created specifically for children. Please stay tuned for additional products that would be added to our Child Essentials collection.
What are the benefits and risks of using your Cream Oil?
One benefits of using our Strong Growth Scalp Essentials Cream Oils are the ingredients used within the product that assists in hair growth. Although we have carefully selected ayurvedic hebs, organic herbs, oils and essential oils, our slight use of sulfur powder and MSM provides a boost to retaining hair length. Sulfur has been proven to improve hair health, provide strength, elasticity and lengthen the growing phase of your hair. Sulphur helps to extend the growth phase, ensuring that hair is longer and healthier throughout the hair growth cycle while reducing the appearance of thinning hair. Furthermore, sulfur has been linked to treating, relieving, and decreasing the occurrence of dandruff, eczema, folliculitis, and psoriasis.
The risk is that some people may be allergic to the sulfur powder or any of our other ingredients; which is why we list our ingredients and ask customers to perform a patch test on the back of their hand prior to full use of our products. If you have a perm or use any type of chemical treatment we ask that you stop using our Strong Growth Scalp Essentials Cream Oil and/or our Strong Growth Scalp Essentials Extra Strength Cream Oil 14 days prior to and after chemical services. Please wash your hair before the chemical service to cleanse the scalp of any sulfur and to prevent hair breakage. Sulfur could elevate a possibility of irritation or your perm (retouch) or color may not fully come out as you would like.
I am experiencing increased itching to my scalp after use of your products, is this normal?
Slight tingling or itching could indicate that your hair is growing however, if itching is excessive, please discontinue use or use at your own discretion with longer rest periods between applications of our products. Be sure to always consult with your medical physician prior to using any new product.
Why is the color of my product different from my previous purchase?
Due to the nature of our herbs, oils and organic ingredients, products may vary in color as some ingredients may slightly oxidize over time.
What is the shelf life of your products?
Most of our products have a shelf life of 18 to 24 months. It has been noted that products may last longer when stored in the refrigerator or a cool dark environment.
How long will it take before my order ships?
Orders take between 5 - 14 business days to process. After processed, your order will ship within 1 - 3 business days and you will receive notification once your order ships.
My order says delivered but I do not see my package, what can you do?
Unfortunately, once your order is in the possession of the carrier, the carrier is responsible for your order. We can however, provide you with any additional information that you may need in case you need to file a claim with the shipping carrier as all orders shipped, are insured.
Do you ship internationally?
Not at the moment. We are currently working on shipping internationally.
Do you accept returns?
Unfortunately, since 2020 we do not accept returns. Please feel free to ask questions prior to placing your order.